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Bioethics ; 38(4): 292-299, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38165658


Consensual homicide remains a crime in jurisdictions where active voluntary euthanasia has been legalized. At the same time, both jurisdictions, in which euthanasia is legal and those in which it is not, recognize that all patients (whether severely ill or not) have the right to refuse or withdraw medical treatment (including life-saving treatment). In this paper, I focus on the tensions between these three norms (the permission of active euthanasia, the permission to reject life-saving treatment, and the prohibition of consensual homicide), assuming a justification of euthanasia based on the right to (personal) autonomy. I argue that the best way to provide a coherent account of these norms is to claim that patients have two distinct rights: the right to autonomy and the right to bodily integrity. This solution has some relevant implications for the discussion of the legalization of active euthanasia.

Eutanásia , Suicídio Assistido , Humanos , Homicídio , Direito a Morrer , Liberdade , Autonomia Pessoal , Recusa do Paciente ao Tratamento , Eutanásia Ativa , Eutanásia Ativa Voluntária , Eutanásia Passiva
Ann Fam Med ; 21(4): 370-371, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37487728


Family medicine physicians take care of patients and their families "from womb to tomb." This phrase is particularly apt in Oregon, where the Death with Dignity Act allows for terminally ill patients to end their lives with self-administered medications prescribed by a physician. This story chronicles my first experience caring for a patient under the Death with Dignity Act; that night of her death at home, surrounded by the warmth of her life and loved ones, opened my mind to the possibilities of what the patient-physician relationship entails, from the routine of meeting her family to the intimacy of assisting in her decision to die.

Clínicos Gerais , Suicídio Assistido , Feminino , Humanos , Direito a Morrer , Relações Médico-Paciente , Oregon
Theor Med Bioeth ; 44(4): 371-373, 2023 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37231207
Hastings Cent Rep ; 53(2): 9-11, 2023 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37092653


In 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court removed constitutional protection from the individual's right to end a pregnancy. In Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, the Court invalidated previous rulings protecting that right as part of the individual liberty and privacy interests embedded in the U.S. Constitution. Now, many observers are speculating about the fate of other rights founded on those interests. The Dobbs ruling conflicts with the Court's 1990 Cruzan decision restricting the government's power to interfere with personal medical choices. The language and reasoning in Dobbs and Cruzan offer guidance on how the Court might address future cases involving the right to refuse life-sustaining treatment. The decisions also point to policy strategies for preserving that right.

Regulamentação Governamental , Decisões da Suprema Corte , Recusa do Paciente ao Tratamento , Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Constituição e Estatutos , Liberdade , Direitos do Paciente/legislação & jurisprudência , Autonomia Pessoal , Privacidade/legislação & jurisprudência , Direito a Morrer/legislação & jurisprudência , Recusa do Paciente ao Tratamento/legislação & jurisprudência , Estados Unidos , Suspensão de Tratamento/legislação & jurisprudência , Cuidados para Prolongar a Vida/legislação & jurisprudência , Tomada de Decisões , Direitos Humanos/legislação & jurisprudência
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 43(1): 27-30, mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1437159


La muerte siempre ha generado desconcierto, por lo que acompañar en este proceso de final de vida conlleva un alto compromiso existencial. Si a esta difícil tarea se le agregan los condicionantes hospitalarios o legales que sufren los enfermos en su agonía, estamos ante una muerte aterradora, muy distante de una partida que pueda ser considerada amorosa. Como sabemos, la palabra "clínica" hace referencia a la práctica de atender al pie de la cama del paciente, aliviando el dolor del que está por partir; sin embargo, el "corsé legal" de la muerte está alejando al médico de aquel que debiera recibir toda su atención y sus cuidados, atándole el brazo para acompañarlo en el buen morir. Deberíamos debatir y acordar una estrategia que enriquezca la experiencia del momento final de la vida, de modo que ese conjunto acotado de pacientes pueda elegir su forma de partir. Es de un valor incalculable despertar la compasión en este tema tan importante que preocupa al ser humano desde los inicios de la civilización. Sería muy fructífero que aprovechemos la transmisión de sabiduría de siglos de antiguas culturas que han sabido cuidar con humildad la vida hasta el instante de morir. (AU)

Death has always implied confusion, so accompanying this end-of-life process entails a highexistential commitment. If we add to this difficult task the hospital or legal constraints suffered bypatients in their agony, we are facing a terrifying death, very far from a departure that can be considered a loving one. As we know, the word "clinical" refers to the practice of caring for the patient very close to the bed, alleviating the pain of whom is about to leave; however, the "legal corset" of death is separating the doctor from the one who should receive all his attention and care, preventing him from accompanying the pacient in his/her good dying. We should discuss and agree on a strategy that enriches the experience of the end of life, so that patients could choose the way to leave. It is of incalculable value to awaken compassion on this important issue that has concerned human since the beggining of civilization. It would be very fruitful if we take advantage of the enormous wisdom of ancient cultures that have humbly cared for life until the moment of death. (AU)

Humanos , Cuidados Paliativos/legislação & jurisprudência , Assistência Terminal/legislação & jurisprudência , Direito a Morrer/legislação & jurisprudência , Atitude Frente a Morte , Doente Terminal/legislação & jurisprudência , Morte , Cuidados Paliativos/psicologia , Argentina , Assistência Terminal/psicologia , Doente Terminal/psicologia , Preferência do Paciente/psicologia
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e45268, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1406372


RESUMO. A autonomia privada existencial, como expressão da dignidade da pessoa humana, representa para o indivíduo a possibilidade de agir em conformidade com valores e significados eleitos essenciais na elaboração do seu projeto de vida. Neste estudo, seus autores, dois terapeutas ocupacionais, dois advogados e uma psicóloga, somam saberes e dialogam com intuito de demarcar a relevância da autonomia privada existencial nas condições de demência avançada, nos estados vegetativos permanentes e na iminência de morte. Na tarefa a que se propõem, os autores ponderam sobre suas experimentações e interlocuções enquanto profissionais de formação acadêmica diversificada, inclinados a ofertar espaços para comunicar vida e acolher dores. São apresentadas e discutidas as bases jurídicas da autonomia privada, assim como os pressupostos da Logoterapia de Viktor Frankl em defesa da liberdade de vontade e da dignidade no final da vida.

RESUMEN La autonomía existencial privada, como expresión de la dignidad de la persona humana, representa para el individuo la posibilidad de actuar de acuerdo con valores y significados elegidos esenciales en la elaboración de su proyecto de vida. En este estudio, sus autores, dos terapeutas ocupacionales, dos abogados y un psicólogo suman conocimiento y diálogo con el fin de demarcar la relevancia de la autonomía privada existencial en condiciones de demencia avanzada, en estados vegetativos permanentes y muerte inminente. En la tarea que proponen, los autores reflexionan sobre sus vivencias e interlocuciones como profesionales con una formación académica diversificada, inclinados a ofrecer espacios para comunicar la vida y acoger el dolor. Se presentan y discuten las bases legales de la autonomía privada, así como los supuestos de la Logoterapia de Viktor Frankl en defensa de la libertad de voluntad y dignidad al final de la vida.

ABSTRACT. Existential private autonomy, as an expression of the dignity of the human person, represents for the individual the possibility of acting in accordance with essential values and meanings for elaboration of their life project. The authors of this study, two occupational therapists, two lawyers and a psychologist gather their knowledge and dialogue to demarcate the relevance of existential private autonomy in conditions of advanced dementia, in permanent vegetative states and imminent death. In the task proposed, the authors pondered over their experiences and dialogues as professionals with a diversified academic background, inclined to provide spaces to communicate life and welcome pain. The legal bases of private autonomy are presented and discussed, as well as the assumptions of Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy in defense of freedom of will and dignity at the end of life.

Direito a Morrer/ética , Estado Vegetativo Persistente/psicologia , Demência/psicologia , Logoterapia/educação , Psicologia , Volição , Autonomia Pessoal , Pessoal Técnico de Saúde/educação , Ética , Liberdade , Respeito , Logoterapia/legislação & jurisprudência , Logoterapia/ética , Direitos Humanos/legislação & jurisprudência
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 30(4): 769-779, out.-dez. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423041


Resumo Este estudo teórico discorre sobre a bioética no sentido de promover e assegurar a dignidade do paciente de uma forma segura, que obedeça a sua tomada de decisão, seguindo normativas e protocolos que garantam o cumprimento dessa vontade, e trazendo também segurança para equipe assistencial. A ausência de consenso no meio jurídico, por falta de regulamentações que explicitem as regras para a elaboração de um modelo de diretivas de vontade, gera insegurança nos profissionais de saúde envolvidos, familiares e paciente. Para garantir esse direito, além da normatização jurídica, é necessário que os profissionais tenham pleno conhecimento do assunto, a fim de orientar e informar corretamente seus pacientes. Não basta assegurar ao indivíduo o direito de manifestar sua vontade, é preciso ainda a certeza de que esta será cumprida. Há a necessidade de ampliar discussões acerca da temática, com ênfase na realidade brasileira.

Abstract This theoretical study discusses bioethics in the sense of safely promoting and ensuring the patients' dignity, respectful of their decision making, following regulations and protocols that help fulfill this will and bring safety to the care team. The lack of clear and consensual legal regulations on how to elaborate an advance directive generates uncertainty among healthcare providers, patients and their families. Beyond legal standardization, professionals must also have full knowledge on the topic to correctly guide and inform their patients, thus guaranteeing this right. But ensuring the right to express one's will is not enough—one must be assured that such whishes will be fulfilled. Further and broader discussions on this topic anchored on the Brazilian reality are needed.

Resumen Este estudio teórico trata la bioética en el sentido de promover y garantizar la dignidad del paciente de forma segura, que acepte su toma de decisiones, siguiendo normas y protocolos que garanticen el cumplimiento de esa voluntad, además de brindar seguridad al equipo de atención. La falta de consenso en el ámbito legal respecto a normativa para la elaboración de un modelo de directivas de voluntad produce inseguridad en los profesionales de la salud involucrados, familiares y pacientes. La garantía de este derecho, además de la regulación legal, requiere que los profesionales conozcan el tema para orientar e informar correctamente a sus pacientes. No basta con garantizar al individuo el derecho a expresar su voluntad, sino que también es necesario la certeza de que esta se cumplirá. Son necesarios más estudios para ampliar las discusiones sobre el tema, con énfasis en el contexto brasileño.

Direito a Morrer , Diretivas Antecipadas , Testamentos Quanto à Vida
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 30(4): 851-862, out.-dez. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423055


Resumo Esta revisão sistemática visa identificar dificuldades enfrentadas por profissionais no manejo clínico de crianças em final de vida. Para tanto, realizou-se busca de artigos científicos nas bases de dados SciELO e LILACS por meio dos descritores "limitação de suporte terapêutico", "terminalidade" e "medidas de conforto", combinados com o descritor "crianças". Do total de 102 trabalhos completos encontrados, nove contemplaram os critérios de inclusão para a amostra do estudo. Os resultados apontam dificuldades em relação à tomada de decisões e à limitação terapêutica de pacientes infantis. Conclui-se que, quando se sentem melhor preparados para trabalhar com questões referentes ao processo de morte e morrer, os profissionais podem prestar um cuidado mais humanizado a pacientes e familiares.

Abstract This systematic review sought to identify difficulties faced by professionals in the clinical management of end-of-life child patients. Bibliographic search was conducted on the SciELO and LILACS databases using the descriptors "therapeutic limitation," "hospice care" and "comfort measures," combined with the descriptor "child." Of the 102 complete studies identified, nine met the established inclusion criteria. The results point to difficulties regarding decision making and therapeutic limitation for infant patients. In conclusion, when professionals feel better prepared to address issues related to the process of death and dying, they can provide more humanized care to patients and families.

Resumen Esta revisión sistemática tiene por objetivo identificar las dificultades que enfrentan los profesionales en el manejo clínico de los niños al final de la vida. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda de artículos científicos en las bases de datos SciELO y LILACS utilizando las palabras clave "limitación del apoyo terapéutico", "final de la vida" y "medidas de confort", combinadas con "niños". Del total de 102 artículos completos encontrados, nueve cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión para la muestra del estudio. Los resultados apuntan a dificultades con relación a la toma de decisiones y a limitaciones terapéuticas de los pacientes pediátricos. Se concluye que los profesionales cuando se sienten más preparados para lidiar con cuestiones relacionadas con el proceso de muerte y morir pueden brindar una asistencia más humanizada a los pacientes y familias.

Direito a Morrer , Atitude Frente a Morte , Criança , Cuidados Paliativos na Terminalidade da Vida , Pessoal de Saúde
Brain Nerve ; 74(2): 181-188, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Japonês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35108683


This review article is intended to introduce clinicians in Japan to the four types of medical procedures associated with the right to die in the United States and their ethical background. The four types of procedures are as follows: forgoing life-sustaining medical treatment, palliative sedation and intensive symptom management, physician-assisted suicide, and euthanasia. This article discusses the difference between negative and positive rights and how they apply to these four procedures. In addition, it discusses the reason why withdrawing ventilation is considered ethically equal to its withholding. Other topics that are covered include the principle of double effect and proportionality in palliative sedation, the practice of physician-assisted suicide in the US, and controversies regarding euthanasia. Additionally, this article mentions the voluntary stopping of eating and drinking (VSED) as another category of the right to die. Ethics and laws are specific to the region and the culture. The author encourages Japan, where the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments is still not part of usual practice, to advance ethical discussions among its population so that more options for the right to die will be available to the patients in its society.

Eutanásia , Suicídio Assistido , Humanos , Japão , Cuidados Paliativos , Direito a Morrer , Estados Unidos
Encephale ; 48(2): 196-205, 2022 Apr.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34906375


OBJECTIVES: In the context of the present re-examination of the French bioethical laws by the National Advisory Ethics Committee ("Comité consultatif national d'éthique": CCNE), a recent survey indicated a request of the public opinion to obtain a medical aid in end of life and a so-called "assisted suicide". This led psychiatrists to re-consider their role and deontological position which usually led them to consider a request for an assistance in suicide as - a priori - a pathological demand, occurring within a suicidal crisis. The present article intends to: 1) describe the laws and practices of countries which allow medically assisted end of life help procedures; 2) clarify the definitions of "assisted suicide", "assistance to suicide" and "euthanasia"; 3) consider available epidemiological data and the roles given to doctors and, more specifically psychiatrists, in these procedures; 4) analyse the rationale behind these demands. These considerations should enable French psychiatrists to clarify their position when facing requests for a medical aid in dying. METHODS: Four European countries (Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg) and Oregon (the first US state to introduce legislation) were considered, since they accumulated and published a large amount of experiences and data about "assisted suicide" and medical help in dying. In total, 127 articles were selected, mainly from PubMed and Cairn databases, published between 1997 and 2020. These articles deal with legal considerations, epidemiological data, ethical and sociological considerations. RESULTS: Laws and practices differ notably according to the state/country. In Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, as in Oregon, the medical help in dying has been de-criminalized, as long as certain legal criteria are met. In Switzerland, where no specific law exists in the penal code, non-governmental associations have benefited from the legal vacuum and organized the practice of "assisted suicide" for "altruistic motives". In the scientific and legal literature, the terms used to describe and define the medical help in dying upon request differ greatly. In France, the National Advisory Ethics Committee defines euthanasia ("euthanasie"), assisted suicide ("suicide assisté") and suicide assistance ("assistance au suicide"). Available epidemiological data, whatever the country considered, indicate that requests for a medical aid in dying are expressed mainly by patients aged over 60 years and suffering from cancer. Psychiatric diseases account for only 1% to 3%. Most often, systematic assessment by a psychiatrist is neither requested nor made, when the demand does not occur during a primary psychiatric illness. In the case of an existing primary psychiatric pathology, a psychiatrist assesses the case against formal legal predefined criteria. This latter practice was only recently introduced, after some feedback and after legal actions had been brought to Court. When the underlying motivations of the request are considered, it appears that, even in the absence of an evolving psychiatric condition, several psychological or psychopathological reasons prevail such as spirituality, attachment style, social isolation, despair, depression… which should greatly benefit psychiatric exploration, investigation and expertise. CONCLUSION: In some countries, the request for medically assisted help in dying has become a legal and social reality. In France, where the public debate is still open, it should be emphasized that a psychiatric assessment and interview should be systematically provided to any person requesting medical assistance to die or commit suicide. It is the commitment of psychiatrists to understand the implicit demands and unexpressed motives underlying this request which have strong links with the unique life-events and emotional experiences of the person. The psychiatrist has a unique role in the contextualization of such a request.

Eutanásia , Suicídio Assistido , Idoso , Morte , Europa (Continente) , Humanos , Direito a Morrer
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34919151


In 2020, the Federal Constitutional Court declared the ban on assisted suicide unconstitutional and invalid. The court derived a right to self-determined dying from the general right of personality. This right also includes the freedom to take one's own life and to seek help from third parties for this purpose and to make use of help if it is offered. In the meantime, there are several proposals for regulations and draft laws that pursue different concepts of a possible future regulation of assisted suicide. However, from the perspective of criminal law, the search for a new regulation should always be preceded by the question of the necessity of a new regulation. A new regulation must not be limited to certain groups of persons, such as persons with incurable, terminal illnesses, because otherwise the suicide motive would be assessed. This brings with it the particular challenge of finding a regulation that covers the different problem and need situations without assessing the suicide motive and also takes into account that the autonomy of the individual can be endangered in different ways.The article takes its starting point in the right to suicide, sheds light on different concepts, and discusses their advantages and disadvantages without explicitly highlighting individual legislative proposals. This is intended to enrich the further debate with individual aspects. At the same time, it advocates legislative restraint.

Eutanásia , Suicídio Assistido , Liberdade , Alemanha , Humanos , Direito a Morrer